Answering a plea for snacks at the Kaukauna Public Library

When the after school kids arrive at the Kaukauna Public Library at the end of the day “they are always STARVING!” That’s what the library’s Facebook post said last week, when asking followers for some help restocking their shelves. They had completely run out of snacks. That means 20-some hungry kids arriving at the end of the school day, wouldn’t get anything. Hearing news like that is exactly what prompts Trim Hunger Founder Josif Wittnik to jump into action. 

That meant a trip to the grocery store with a list of wants from library director Ashley Thiem-Menning. It was Josif’s first introduction to “squeezies.” (Yogurt, applesauce, etc. in easy to squeeze hand-held vessels)  Trim Hunger filled the grocery cart with all sorts of crackers, cookies, and the “squeezies.”  Knowing the library also has a “Little Free Pantry” for the public, the carts were also filled with peanut butter, canned meats, pasta and cereal.

Ashley and Communications Coordinator Jenny Schink helped unload the groceries and take them into the library. They said the snacks were enough to see them through to the end of the school year! One need fulfilled.



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